IT & Digital Communications Vice-Rectorate at Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași has implemented a couple of online options so didactic activity can continue unhindered.

Starting Friday, 20 March 2020, TUIASI has access to Google Meet and Microsoft Teams, two digital platforms facilitating online course attendance for all 11 faculties.
To gain access to these platforms, IT & Digital Communications staff has created institutional e-mails for all professors (, students ( and administrative staff ( through Gmail.
All TUIASI students are please asked to check their personal e-mail addresses or contact their faculty’s secretariat to find out how to access these online platforms. Should you need any additional support, please access
A user can start a video conference through Google Meet or Microsoft Teams using the institutional e-mail address. On these platforms, students are organised in groups, specialisations, academic years and disciplines. All users will receive access and use guides by e-mail (these will also be posted online).
TUIASI is also in the process of aqcuiring high-performance servers which will host a Moodle-type university-wide learning management system which will be used for academic activities. This system works as a platform where students can attend courses and laboratories and take online tests and exams.