The TUIASI Cup was held during the 29th – 30th of March at the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University sports base. The competition aimed at broadening the selection ranges for the football team representing the university and it includes the students in a specialized training programme meant to revive what “Politehnica Iasi” once used to be.

Nine teams from the following faculties enlisted for TUIASI Cup:
- Automated Control and Computer Sciences
- Civil Engineering and Building Services
- Hydrotechnics, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering
- Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection
- Mechanics
- “G.M. Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture
- Electrical Engineering, Energetics and Applied Informatics
- Material Science and Engineering
- Electronic, Telecommunications and Information Technology
The competition was conceived as a final tournament system, with groups, in order to allow as many games as possible and to enable the best team to win.

The preliminary stage comprised two groups of four, respectively five teams, and the winners and the second place teams qualifying in the finals.
The winning team belonged to the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services. The team was awarded a cup, which will be passed rom generation to generation to the tournament winner, much like in the UEFA championship.
The following prizes were also awarded at the “Laureate Gala”, as considered by the professors at the Sport Department of TUIASI and the Cup organizers:

- The Best Goalkeeper: Alecu Levcuşă – the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, remarkable by his determination and skills and the way he leads his team in the spirit of the fair play. He also managed to put up a spectacular and efficient show.
- The Most Technical Player: Cristian Paiu – the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, a pleasant surprise, mastering an impressing technique and speed, as well as a certain elegance. He also made a great impression on the recruiters for the University mini football team.
- The Tournament Goal getter: Agape Andrei – the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Energetics and Applied Informatics, a veritable number nine, an advanced striker who impressed everyone.
For detail on tournament download PDF.
Starting with 2013, TUIASI has participated to several sports tournaments organized by the Romanian Minifootball Federation or by the Romanian Football Federation, achieving outstanding results such as:
- Second Place at the national final minifootball tournament held in Sibiu by “Student Sport” under the patronage of the Romanian Football Federation;
- First Place at the “Iasi Summer Cup” minifootball final tournament organized by the Romanian Minifootball Federation
- Qualification in the quarterfinal at the fourth edition of “Union Cup” final tournament organized by the Romanian Minifootball Federation