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The inventions of TUIASI researchers at EUROINVENT 2014

The sixth edition of the inventics exhibition EUROINVENT 2014 (6th Edition of the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation) was held at Palas Mall in Iasi during the 22nd – 24th of May 2014. On this occasion, the collective of the ALGCON laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Applied Informatics were present at the exhibition stand of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi. Their research achievements were highly appreciated.

Among the awards granted to this collective there are to be mentioned:

► The Award for Cybernetics (CYBERLIFE AWARD) for the project “Future Medical Devices controlled by means of Brain-Computer Interfaces”, awarded to the team of Marian Poboroniuc, Dănuț Irimia, Florin Serea, Sergiu Hartopanu


► Gold Medal – awarded to Marian Poboroniuc for the project“ONZOFF control method to support Functional Electrical Stimulation-based standing in paraplegia”

► Gold Medal – awarded to Dănuț Irimia and Marian Poboroniucfor the project“Facilitating cortical reorganization in stroke patients by means of a Brain-Computer Interface &FES hybrid system”

► Gold Medal – awarded to the team of Florin Serea, SergiuHartopanu and Marian Poboroniucfor the project “New upper limb rehabilitation method in paralyzed people by means of FEs and exoskeletons”.

►Gold Medal – awarded to the team of Florin Serea, SergiuHartopanu and Marian Poboroniucfor the project“A new rehabilitation method based on a hybrid FES-mechatronicintelligent robotic glove”.


Additional photo coverage of the event on: 

Premierea celor mai bune inventii si cercetari.

Publicată de Europe Direct Iași pe Luni, 26 mai 2014


La Iasi a inceput cea de-a VI-a editie EUROINVENT.Sute de inventii si cercetari, dar si inventatori pasionati va asteapta pana sambata seara la Palas Mall Iasi,

Publicată de Europe Direct Iași pe Joi, 22 mai 2014

Additional coverage of EUROINVENT 2014 Iași:

The European Committee

BZI – The Newspaper  ”Bună Ziua Iași”

The Newspaper ”Ziarul de Iași”


The Newspaper “Evenimentul”



Radio Iași

The newspaper “Jurnalul național”

Romanian partners:

Foreign media coverage

Foreign partners:

"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
TUIASI este printre primele instituții de învățămînt superior de profil tehnic din țară și se încadrează în categoria universităților de cercetare avansată și educație.